Keltische Kochbarkeiten: Mit 60 Rezepten vom "Fünf-Steine-Koch"
Celtic cooking: With 60 recipes from the "five-stone-chef" by archaeologist and hobbyist cook Achim Werner. He gained his unique moniker after writing "Steinzeit Mahlzeit (Stone Age Meals) from the first farmers to Ötzi” in 2013. This is one of the two books brought by Aonghus and Brogan to Imbolc 2017 planning meeting from which period or period-possible recipes were gleaned for the feast.
Stuttgart Theiss 2007
Available on Amazon in German
Keltische Kochbarkeiten
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Submissions should be relevant to our chosen period of study in some way.
Submissions should be relevant to our chosen period of study in some way.