Fall Thyng, 2006

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Fall Thyng, 2006

Post by Comyn »

Colin wrote:Colin asked: "For those who went how was fall Thyng?"
Comyn recounts his travels North

Saturday turned out to be a beautiful day, though it had rained the night before and the site was kind of muddy. The first thing I noticed upon arrival was that much more of the site was opened up - there were paths into the woods and around the pond that I didn't remember seeing before. Particularly muddy areas had stone walks, there were little wooden bridges over the streams, and all the campsites were beautifully grassy areas in the shade - most with their own metal fire braziers.

Katrina welcomed me warmly, as did Ogier and Yurik, and we set about the task of unloading. This was made far easier by the two 'Vermont Carts' that were provided for that purpose. In fact, where we camped you couldn't get a car into, so it would've been awful otherwise. Mental note to get one for our own events - being able to wheel the stuff in easily keeps non-essential cars out of camp. Valerian arrived shortly before us and we unloaded together, she into the Evergreen hospitality tent, and I set up my green canvas mundane wall (with fly).

I brought and hung up my personal clan Sun banner at our encampment.

Holmgang was great - they had a lot of fighters, and it was a real pleasure to watch people who are serious about their art. The fighting area is a beautiful grassy field behind the pond, and it was well attended by spectators. Guthrum and family showed up around this time to cries of 'Bhudnahai' over the pond and the kids were *very* happy to see each other. I was personally cheered to see MORKAR after many years and made plans to party later.

Thyng assembly was, well a meeting. It was fun to see the officers debate some stuff, recount past deeds and banter with the crowd.

Feast was great - though I'm afraid cannot compare to Tuatha de Bhriain fare. To be fair, however - we rarely feed so many people - I think official attendance was 61? Yvan said it at Thyng assembly, but I forget. Tanner (who was not in attendance) had brought in 5 FULL SIZE kegs of home brew which were arranged just outside of the LONG HALL. We toured the long hall and met the Varg. I quietly wondered if the old tales might not be true and that the accceptance of a large wooden offering pushed into camp by another army might not be such a good idea to which their leader flung open the trap door in the floor and announced that was indeed their plan... 'now, Lancelot, Sir Galahad and I jump out of the door and take the Vikings totally unaware...'

The fire drew a big crowd, and Rog was in good form. The first few songs were trance-like drum pieces so I drifted away, but upon return we sang Whiskey Down and other favorites, taking turns with a BAG PIPER whose strains had drifted across the pond to summon me back.

Quiet hanging back under the fly at camp ensued while kids settled down and the revel at the fire continued, till I suddenly realized that I was *far* too drunk to fend off Morkar and the keg of doom should I return to the party. We watched REAL BIG fireworks over the pond (which didn't wake the sleepers), and drank some of Sabha's sizer and crawled to bed.

Sunday dawned and we finally gathered the strength to leave that magical place. After loading the van, and saying my goodbyes to everyone I had med (and re-met after many years) we discovered the van was stuck in the mud. I asked Ogier for help who brought Thorstein to my aid, and Valerian scouted out some of her Norse friends (I believe one was Lance) to hand as well. We were quickly able to extricate the van, and I gifted all five with silver clan coins in thanks.

I can't say how many people missed Aonghus and Colin and Brogan and all the others, because it would take far too long to recount.

Closing thoughts

In a sense, we are recapitulating actual history at our own campsite: the RVs, and bikers and dog shows and boy scouts and mundanes have forced us into a small little area in the back of the park, and although it is still livable, I will be longing for an expansive, grassy shangri-la like the Norse camp at all future events. It may be time to start evaluating alternate options for our outdoor events for next year. I can't wait to see some pictures, Guthrum - we didn't take very many ourselves but will post as soon as possible.

In Service,

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