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Atholl Brose

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 1:23 pm
by Comyn
It was very common to mix whisky with honey in the past and equally common to mix liquid with oatmeal.Bringing the two together in this potent way is credited to a Duke of Atholl during a Highland rebellion in 1475, who is said to have foiled his enemies by filling the well which they normally drank from with this ambrosial mixture, which so intoxicated them that they were easily taken.

Some traditional recipes leave in the whole oatmeal while this one, reputed to have come from a Duke of Atholl, uses only the strained liquid from steeping the oatmeal in water.

6 oz / 175 g medium otameal (1-1/2 c)
4 tablespoons heather honey
1-1/2 pt / 3/4 L whisky (3-3/4 c)
3/4 pt / 450 ml water (2 c)

Put the oatmeal into a bowl and add the water.Leave for about an hour. Put into fine sieve and press all the liquid through. (Use the remaining oatmeal for putting into bread or making porridge - see p. 26). Add honey to the sieved liquid and mix well. Pour into a large bottle and fill up with the whisky. Shake well before use.


May be drunk as a liqueur; is often served at festive celebrations such as New Year, or may be mixed with stiffly whipped cream and served with shortbread as a sweet. (*Scottish Cookery*, by Catherine Brown.Copyright 1989 Catherine Brown.Reprinted 1990, Richard Drew Publishing Ltd, Glasgow.)

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as posted by
James and/or Nancy Gilly
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 1996 21:32:41 +0000

Brogan's Easy Atholl Brose

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 12:06 pm
by BroganTDB
Here is a easier version of Atholl Brose. It’s tasty, warming and guaranteed ta please!

1 lbs oatmeal
1 lbs honey
1 magnum size cheap whisky

Place all ingredients in a gallon jug and seal with the cap. Let stand 4 to 7 days shaking contents periodically. Place a colander over a pitcher and empty the previously shaken contents of the gallon jug into it. Bottle in sanitized beer or wine bottles. Shake well before serving. Slancha!!

In service,

Re: Atholl Brose

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 8:55 pm
by Comyn
Sabha´s Atholl Brose
Sabha´s Atholl Brose
Sabha likes Brogan´s Atholl Brose recipe best, and so do I and Momus! In fact, she forgot to cut the Whiskey the first time she made it and we ended up doing Atholl Brose shots, which, I might add, were delicious!