Diodorus Siculus on the Gauls and drinking
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 9:18 am
I've been reading Simon James' book 'The World of the Celts' and he references Diodorus Siculus a great deal. Diodorus was a Greek historian who lived between 90 and 21 BC and compiled a great encyclopedia of history called the 'Bibliotheca Historica' (which he worked on for 30 years and eventually never finished).In search of a translation of this book, I found that Google has scanned in hoards of old books and posted the full contents of many of them as original scans (and text).It's a fantastic reference.They have recently added a feature that allows folks like us (with a website) to embed portions of the book into their own sites which link back to the full text on Google.This post is really just a test of that feature, but I thought with all the interest in Mead making on the Yahoo board of late, this was a particularly apropos section (concerning the Gauls of the continent and drinking):

The Historical Library of Diodorus the Sicilian: In Fifteen Books. To which ... By Diodorus,George Booth
The Historical Library of Diodorus the Sicilian: In Fifteen Books. To which ... By Diodorus,George Booth