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Lughnasad Newsletter, 1995

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 1995 3:00 pm
by Comyn
Most of the material from 1995 and earlier is not in electronic format, and so must be scanned or typed in to be made available here. In the case of meeting minutes this will probably mean attaching PDFs of scanned handwritten pages, but some things were typeset (like announcements and newsletters) and while they could be OCR'd and corrected we'd lose the character of the pieces that way.

The Lughnasad news letter of 1995 is several pages long, includes the standard news letter describing the events of Beltaine that year, an invite for Samhain, and essays on Firewood, Volunteering, Bottles and Cans at events, Celtic Knotwork, Ancient Music, and a member list. It is provided in its entirety.
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