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Beer tasting results, 1992

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 1992 3:00 pm
by Comyn
I've been scanning in some old Clann documents in order to make them available to everyone here on the site and I ran across a fantastic example of a beer tasting results spreadsheet from 1992.To put this document into perspective, please note that Windows 3.1 came out exactly one month earlier than this document was created.

It appears this is a beer tasting that took place at the "Feis" of Imbolc, 1992.The winner of this particular tasting was Trelvis' Bhudna Stout, but what I love about it is the commentary:
  • The PISS BEER AWARD is given to the beer that most resembles piss.Dinkle Acker.This beer did not even beat out the dregs.
  • The text at the bottom of the document specifically calls all those in attendance "Guild members" (beer tasters)
  • The explanatory text describing how the tasting was performed wisely notes that: "The order of the scoring was varied so the weak minded tasters would not be influenced by those who were strongly opinionated towards the quality of the beer"
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