I just wanted to relate that we were as a Clanne were invited by Preachain to their Beltane. As it fell on the same day as Faellon and Aislinn’s wedding, I sent 2 legs of wild Boar to them and asked them to roast it and drink a toast Faellon and Aislinn’s prosperity. I also sent a picture of the happy couple and an MP3 of Faellon’s Cellar along with this greeting.
"FEASGAR MATH!! In the sprit of celebrating Faellon and Aislinn’s marriage along with Beltane, also since we cannot attend your event, we the people of Clanne Tuatha de Bhriain would like to present 2 legs of wild boar. These are to be roasted by Clanne Preachain in a traditional manner at Beltane. We ask that you think of us on that day and drink a toast to the prosperity of Faellon and Aislinn’s union. Slán go fóill".
Pictures are promised and here is a quick note from Anubh.
In service,"Brogan--
It was SO GOOD!!! Wish you guys could have been there. Aes served the boar marinated in a venison demiglace sauce that had taken Phalen a whole day to make. It was fantastic. I passed the picture around and we had a toast to Faellon and Aislinn.
The maypole was fun. We set it up so when the guys carried the pole over to the maypole site, the women were already there to receive it. The women were dancing around the pre-dug hole as the men carted the maypole log across the field to where we were. Aes is the mayqueen now but I wound up standing on Ed's shoulders and shimmying up the pole at the end, to correct a little problem we had with the wreath's final destination. Great fun. Hope the wedding went well!
Lager & Blood