Samhain 2024 Election Results

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Samhain 2024 Election Results

Post by Aonghus »

Chieftain: Brogan
The Chieftain is responsible for holding and conducting meetings, making alliances, the clan's fighting unit, the safety of the clan, upholding the law, justice in matters of state.

Druid: Bragg
The Ard-Draoi is responsible for holding and conducting ceremonies and sacrifices, interpreting omens, the mental and spiritual wellbeing of the clan, justice in matters of spirit. The Druid shall keep the calendar of the Clan.
The Druid shall make available online a list of the meeting dates for the upcoming year to all members as soon after Samhain as possible, but before the Imbolc planning meeting.

Fili: Aonghus
The Fili is responsible for recording and keeping the laws of the clan. The Fili must bring a written copy of the laws with him/her to all meetings. The Fili is also responsible for researching Celtic history, historical accuracy, and the writing and reciting of poetry. The Fili will keep a list of each Aurrad and probate's Log na Enech with the laws.

Bard: Volund
The Bard is responsible for entertaining the clan with music, song, or any other form of period entertainment. The Bard, in consultation with the chieftain, shall be responsible for maintaining the schedule of event activities as set by the clan.

Sencha (secretary): Aoife
The Sencha is the clan secretary and responsible for recording the minutes of clan meetings and attendance, publishing the minutes and quorum figures, and keeping an archive of past meetings minutes. The secretary will organize, update and keep our mailing list. This list will consist of both snail mail and email address where possible.

Statchiste (treasurer): Eberwolf
The Statchiste is the clan treasurer and responsible for collecting clan dues and other accounts receivable, treasury book keeping, treasury reports, and must have all treasury records available at meetings. The Statchiste is responsible for the distribution of clan coins.

Fennid (marshal): Bragg
The Feni is responsible for recruiting and training of new fighters, organizing fighter practices, must have knowledge of clan fighting and equipment standards. The Feni is responsible for the fighting unit when order by the chieftain. The Feni must own armor that meets clan standards, must be a competent fighter, and must be familiar with clan fighting standards and conventions.

Brewey (hospitaller): Vollund
The Brewey is the clan hospitaller and responsible for greeting, introducing, and entertaining guests, and scouting parties for the clan. Brewey is also responsible for invitations and providing directions and event details. The Brewey will also be the person whose phone number will be listed to contact for more information on the event flyers.
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Re: Samhain 2024 Election Results

Post by Comyn »

I will adjust the assigned roles to reflect the new roster as I find time to do so (this changes the little assigned icon on your profile if you hold an office). The only one which really matters is Sencha because only the Sencha can post minutes in the Meeting Meetings forum.
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