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This is the response I received from Cormac to the official challenge.
> Hail Comyn! Your challenge is well received. My name is Cormac, and in
> days year's past I have had the pleasure of camping and feasting with the
> Clann. Having discovered your new home on the web, I sought to register my
> name such that I might reconnect with members of Tuatha de Bhriain.
> Vollund, Aonghus, Eberwulf, Valerian or Brogan should be able to vouch for
> me, just tell them "Cormac the Frosty, our gate guardsmen from Pennsic has
> requested an account" and I'm sure they'll remember who I am...
Cormac has been granted access.
Welcome to tdbcelts!
I will more than just vouch for Cormac!
Who could ever forget your first Pennsic,one of my all time favorites!
Hopefully we will get to see you again soon.
Also,the person who provided me my first oppurtuity to shoot a hand gun.
Most excellent!
Nice to hear from you again Cormac! I know I have pictures from that night, but I can't remember if that was before Helska went digital. Didn't you also camp with us at Pennsic XXX?
I managed to get my hands on these old prints while at the Sausage making yesterday and have scanned them all in! I've posted a couple of the Frosty the Gateman incident in the Pennsic gallery. Please note: I've added all the other images into a new album entitled Pennsic XXIX on the Yahoo! albums page. As always, if there is a particular picture you think belongs over here and can provide some juicy details for it - have at it!
Frosty the gateman
This image, in all it's technicolor glory documents that most infamous and regrettable right of passage wherein Frosty the Gateman obtained his monicker. It should be noted that while some Clannsmen (and Norselanders) were happy to help dub Frosty with this sugary sweet title, there were some who boycotted the affair.
Image by Guthrum, scan and image adjust by Comyn
Pennsic XXIX (29, year 2000)