Celtic Art

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Celtic Art

Post by Comyn »

Celtic Art: The Methods of Construction
by George Bain

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In my quest to reproduce Celtic art several years ago, I began with this book as my only guide for a time before I discovered Aidan Meehan's series. The book was originally written to serve as a text book for elementary and secondary art students, and is faithful to the source material which Mr. Bain clearly studied in great detail. There isn't much in the way of text, most of the book is art with notes in the margins on how to do this or that tricky bit, in fact - a lot of it totally confounded me. However, if you have only one Celtic art reference, let this one be it.

Dover edition, 1973, an unabridged republication of the MacLellan & Co. Glasgow 1951 edition.
ISBN 0-486-22923-8
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