General discussion forums. If your topic has to do with an official TdB event or an official Clann project, please use the TdB Members area instead.
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Event Newsletters Viewable by the public at large, registered users of the site and Friends can reply to topics which can only be created by TdB Members. Event newsletters should attempt to be in period style and use only persona names.
General Topics Anything that comes to mind. Members should use the TdB Member forums for official or private business. Forums in this area are readable by anonymous visitors, and registered users can post here.
Library This section includes book reviews. We hope this section will help you to get more of a feel for the period we seek to re-create. Some of these resources may also inspire you to undertake new projects to add to your collection of period equipment and to the clann atmosphere in general. Please help out by submitting material for this section.
Tips & HowTos If you haven't already read the short introduction on our welcome page, please do so. This forum aims only to function as a collection of answers to frequently asked questions.