Bow down to the Baron

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Bow down to the Baron

by Comyn » Mon Feb 19, 2007 4:05 pm

At the last meeting, we discussed the possibility of hooking up with the local SCA (and impressing them with our great material wealth and medieval savvy). The Tuatha de Bhriain exists inside territory claimed by the Barony of An Dubhaigeainn ruled by Jean Xavier Boullier, Baron and Gianetta Lucia Alegretta, Baronessa. While some of the Clann are already aquainted with these figures of royalty, many may not be. I was interested to find that the Baron actually lives less than a mile south of Guthrum! You can read more about the local lords and ladies here: You may also be familiar with them from ICONs past.

Their events this year look like a Pennsic Commons (get together and fight) in early April, and a Newcomers Commons in May sometime, but since this page was last modified in March, 2006, the posted events seem to be for *last year*.

There's another related group, an 'Incipient Canton' based in East Northport called Hawk's Reach. I *believe* that these are the folks that are associated with Lady Sorcha, perhaps Brogan can confirm that? Unfortunately, their last 'Viaduct' (a newsletter of sorts) was from 2005, so not sure what they are doing if anything this year.
