Clann Law & Policy
Leabhar Dlithe The Book of Laws
Last updated: Jun 13, 2022
- Clann Law & Policy
- 01 - Government
- 02 - Clan Positions
- 03 - Calendar
- 04 - Justice
- 05 - Laws
- 06 - Finance
- 07 - Membership
- 08 - Classification
- 09 - Honor Price
- 10 - Guilds & Colleges
- 11 - Persona Death
- 12 - Households
- 13 - Code of Conduct
This tome holds the law of our clan. In these days of the One God, we must sacrifice our oral tradition in the hope that children will know the true ways of their fathers and not live in the falsehood weaved by the pends of robed corrupters. We ask forgiveness from the Gods and the filid of our ancestors in breaking this sacred tradition. -- Aonghus fili na Tuatha de Bhriain
Time brings change to all things. The Clan, like all things, has changed as well. Some change crept by on the feet of mice, others clamored by for all to see. We have felt the sadness of lost members, and the joy of new ones and although all things change, the Clan will remain, so long as there are people to carry on the name and honor of the Clan. In these days of darkness when the Gods are far away and hard to reach, each man is but a candle in the shadows of this world, but bound together in this brotherhood our combined light can blaze like the sun. It is the laws herein contained, that bind us and allow us to shine. We must keep to the laws and customs of those who came before us, or loose our identity. It is with faith in my brothers that I compile this book. -- Rutager Balt-Amalinga fili na Tuatha de Bhriain
The ancestors of this clan thought that having the laws of the clan written down would cheapen them. Instead they would commit the laws to memory. This tradition lasted for centuries, but eventually the chain was broken and the laws lost. The laws of the intruders corrupted our lands. Here we are trying to preserve that which wasn't lost and find that which was. We ask the living souls of our ancestors to guide us in this endeavor so that truth once again lives. -- Guthrum, Fili na Tuatha de Bhriain
Here stands the ancient law and customs of the Tuatha de Bhriain. May the wisdom of our ancestors protect and guide us. -- Brogan, Filí don Tuatha de Bhriain
Original Charter by Mainlia
The purpose of the Tuatha de Bhriain is to preserve ancient Irish and Celtic traditions through re-enactment of those cultures. This preservation should always try to pass the cultures to others, especially to the younger or next generation.
When possible, the Tuatha de Bhriain should try to research the ancient cultures and then pass on the new knowledge through word of mouth, song, dance and through the written word.
Most aspects and laws of this brotherhood/sisterhood, are from the ancient brehon law that guided the Celts. But some laws & rules must come from our culture so that the Tuatha de Bhriain can be an acceptable legal family.
- 1986 Mainlia wrote
- 1990 Falgon kept
- Oct 27, 1992 Aonghus restructured
- Nov 1993 Rutager modified
- Dec 1997 Comyn retrieved from Rutger
- Jan 18, 1998 Comyn transcribed
- Apr 4, 1998 Guthrum published to web
- 2007 Laws moved to
- Mar 3, 2008 Comyn published as document
- Sep 8, 2010 Comyn published as document
- Apr 10, 2017 Comyn published as markdown
01 - Government
1) Meetings must consist of 1/2 the clan officers and more than a 1/2 quorum of members OR more than 1/2 the clan officers and a 1/2 quorum of the members.
Members failing to attend half the meetings held to date starting from Samhain become a Non-Quorum member and are thus not counted in figuring a quorum.ref Sep 6, 1991
Members in absentia may voluntarily surrender quorum status either temporarily or indefinitely.
- Also see the gloss commentary concerning Quorum
2) Official clann business must be done at meetings, except where authorized elsewhere in the Laws.ref Imbolc, 2012 The Chieftain shall call the meeting to order and conduct the meeting adhering to the following format at the his / her discretion:
Meeting Format
The meeting shall default to the following format but may be re-ordered at the convenience of the presiding officer or by majority vote ref Dec 12, 2021:
a. Opening Business
i. Take Attendance ii. Report quorum compliance
b. Seasonal blessing
c. Treasury collections and disbursements
d. Aon Scéal (“what news”) A short (~3 mins per person) verbal report of individuals' clan related activity or obstructions thereof since last meeting.
e. Fiscal Business
i. Treasury report ii. Review clan currency values if Spring Equinox meeting
f. Calendar Review
i. Ard-Druí calendar presentation if Winter Meeting ii. Adjustments to calendar proposed and discussed as needed.
g. Event Planning
i. Event date, venue ii. Food and Drink iii. Activities / Ceremony iv. Necessary equipment and other expendables
h. Old Business
i. New Business
j. Roster Review
i. Probate Review ii. Statchiste recommendations for Esert. iii. Member Roster review if Autumnal Equinox meeting iv. Cara na dTuath (Friend of Clan) and other designations review if Vernal Equinox in even numbered year.
k. Presentations
l. Personal Business
m. Adjournment
Noted Features to the above:
- A reminder to review clan currency values at the spring meeting
- Event planning takes default priority over other business
- Calendar to be set at winter meeting for following year
- Probate review is now a sub section of “Roster Review” which is a section of the meeting designated to review or recommend any change in official relationship status for members and nonmembers.
- A member review at the fall meeting will list all members of the clan and their current status so any issue can be cleared up prior to Samhain elections. As part of this review, the treasurer will make recommendations of those long absent (that haven’t arranged to pay dues) to be set to inactive status.
- A nonmember review will take place every other year at the Spring meeting to remind the clan who are friends and enemies are and make adjustments as proposed.
3) The Sencha shall record the minutes of the meeting. ref Apr 4, 1992 ref Sep 17, 2017
4) The Fili shall record any new laws.
5) Members are expected to attend all TdB meetings. Advance written explanation is required for missing any meeting. Failure to provide explanation in advance must be explained at the next planning meeting. The Clann will asses a fine or sanction if they deem the excuse / explanation unacceptable.
6) All members must own a torc and wear it at meetings. Probates are prohibited from wearing torcs at meetings, but may wear a torc during non-meeting portions of events.ref Sep 6, 1991 The fine for not wearing a torc at a meeting is one Clann coin.ref Jun 13, 2022
7) Scheduling Meetings: The time, date, and venue of the next planning meeting shall be confirmed before conclusion of business at the present meeting.ref Sep 17, 2017
- If absence of venue or sub-quorum attendance become evident, a pending meeting may be rescheduled to best accommodate quorum.
- Rescheduled and Impromptu meetings shall not count in calculating quorum (RAM) status.
- Should the clan fail to schedule the next meeting before conclusion of business, the next meeting shall be considered as “rescheduled”.
8) Meeting Minutes shall be a record of all business conducted:ref Sep 17, 2017
A. Excluding:
- Any motion, debate, and vote result made during Probate Review.
- Personal Business.
- Any item voted to be struck from the record.
B. Including:
- Any item normally excluded that is specifically voted to be reflected in the record.
- The recognition or awarding of Sanctioned Clann Activity Merits (SCAM) during Probate Review (but not the debate and vote results of such).
C. Minutes are to be published within one week of their generation.
Voting and Motions
1) All clan members in good standing have the right to vote.
2) All members must have and give a reason for their voting decision.
3) Proxy votes are only permitted in unanimous requirement desicions, membership votes, and must be submitted in writing.
4) Unsubmitted proxies are counted as abstentions.
5) Any motion or law governing or requiring greater than a simple majority aproval requirement (i.e. 2/3, 3/4, unanimous, etc.) needs the strictest majority it goverens to enact or repeal. Exception: Punitive actions against members only require 2/3, not a unanimous majority.
6) All motions requiring a unanimous vote are tabled one meeting unless all voting members are present.
7) No vote is to be by secret ballot with the exception of clan membership, which is done openly amongst members but in the absence of all probates.
8) No law may be passed that would violate, change, cancel or alter a previous law without the previous law first being amended, repealed or re-worded to allow for the enactment of the new law.
9) Valid Motions
A member may "motion" for any valid proposal, and when seconded the discussion of which shall take the floor to the exclusion of all other business and motions till the matter on the floor is settled by vote, tabling, or withdrawal. The motion may be ammended on the fly without need of sub-motions to ammend. The chieftain will call for a vote in due course or when a motion to move the previous question suceeds.
10) Seconding a Motion
All motions require a second in order to be considered by the clan. To second, simply say "I second". A member can not second their own motion. Unsecconded motions die on the floor with no debate or discussion, leaving the floor open for other business.
11) Withdrawal of a Motion
A member may decide, for whatever reason, to withdraw a motion they made providing the person who seconded it does not object. Once withdrawn, it is as if the motion was never made and is not eligible for old business.
12) Objecting to the Withdrawal of a Motion
A member who has seconded a motion that the original mover wishes to withdraw may object to its withdrawal by saying "I object to the withdrawal" and thus keep the motion on the floor.
13) Motion to Table
A member may sub move a "motion to table". Upon a seconding and a successfull vote to table, the discussion will be postponed either to be revisited later in the same meeeting or becomes elligible for old bussiness at a future meeting.
14) Moving the Previous Question
A member may sub motion to "move the previous question" and when seconded a vote shall be called to decide weather to end debate and decided imediately or to continue debate on the motion.
15) Move for an Election
A member may call for an election of any clan offic, position, or administrative post etc. outside of Samhain elections if there is a perceived need. The motion to hold the election must be seconded, debated and pass like any other. If the office of chieftain is to be decided upon, the druid conducts the election, just as is done at Samhain.
16) Nominating a Candidate
A member may nominate a candidate for a particular post during an election by stateing "I nominate (member)". A member may nominate themself. Nominations do not require a second, however, seconds are customarily voiced as a sign of support.
17) Refusing a Nomination
If a member is nominated for a position that has obligations that they either are unwilling or unable to do. The nomination may be refused, custimarily so by saying "I respectfully decline the nomination". No second is needed.
02 - Clan Positions
1) Any officer or administrator or member with an obligation may delegate their responsibilities to a willing party by formal proclamation. The person holding the position is still ultimately responsible for their duties despite any delegations.
2) No person may delegate punitive powers.
3) Clan officers, administrators, and positions are to be voted on at the Samhain. When electing the Chieftain, the incumbant will step down and the Ard-Draoi will conduct the election, the elected chieftain will then resume conducting elections.
4) No person may hold more than one office or more then one administrative position, but may hold one of each.
5) If there are no qualified individuals willing to fill a position, a party already holding an office or position may be voted in as an "acting" position holder and will hold all the rights and responsibilities of that position until such time as replacement is found.
6) The highest-ranking officer present shall assume the responsibility of absentee officers at clan functions.
7) Rechtgae (Executive decision clause): The Chieftain is empowered to make executive decisions on matters for the sake of expediency, when a clan meeting would be inconvenient or inappropriate, or in emergency situations.
8) Immediate and Ultimate Authority Clause: Though any person may be empowered to make expedient decisions on behalf of the clan, the clan assembled at a formal meeting is the ultimate authority on any matter.
1) Chieftain: The Chieftain is responsible for holding and conducting meetings, making alliances, the clan's fighting unit, the safety of the clan, upholding the law, justice in matters of state.
2) Ard-Draoi (Druid): The Ard-Draoi is responsible for holding and conducting ceremonies and sacrifices, interpreting omens, the mental and spiritual well being of the clan, justice in matters of spirit. The Druid shall keep the calendar of the Clan.
- The Druid shall make available online a list of the meeting dates for the upcoming year to all members as soon after Samhain as possible, but before the Imbolc planning meeting.ref Bel, 2010
3) Fili (Poet/Historian): The Fili is responsible for recording and keeping the laws of the clan. The Fili must bring a written copy of the laws with him/her to all meetings. The Fili is also responsible for researching Celtic history, historical accuracy, and the writing and reciting of poetry. The Fili will keep a list of each Aurrad and probate's Log na Enech with the laws.
4) Bard - The Bard is responsible for entertaining the clan with music, song, or any other form of period entertainment. The Bard, in consultation with the chieftain, shall be responsible for maintaining the schedule of event activities as set by the clan.
1) Sencha - The Sencha is the clan secretary and responsible for recording the minutes of clan meetings and attendance, publishing the minutes and quorum figures, and keeping an archive of past meetings minutes. The secretary will organize, update and keep our mailing list. This list will consist of both snail mail and email address where possible.
2) Statchiste - The Statchiste is the clan treasurer and responsible for collecting clan dues and other accounts receivable, treasury book keeping, treasury reports, and must have all treasury records available at meetings. The Statchiste is responsible for the distribution of clan coins.
3) Fennid - The Feni is responsible for recruiting and training of new fighters, organizing fighter practices, must have knowledge of clan fighting and equipment standards. The Feni is responsible for the fighting unit when order by the chieftain. The Feni must own armor that meets clan standards, must be a competent fighter, and must be familiar with clan fighting standards and conventions.
Other Positions
1) Brewey - The Brewey is the clan hospitaler and responsible for greeting, introducing, and entertaining guests, and scouting parties for the clan. is also responsible for invitations and providing directions and event details. The Brewey will also be the person whose phone number will be listed to contact for more information on the event flyers.
2) Champion (Airechta if noble) - The winner of the champion's battle. He must own armor that meets clan standards, and must be a clan competent fighter. He must lead the clan fighters, or avenge insult when so ordered by the Chieftain. He must defend his title annually or when so ordered by the Chieftain, or the title is lost. The Champion is responsible for the fighting unit when order by the chieftain.
03 - Calendar
1) The Ard-Draoi will keep the calendar of the clan.
2) The calendar starts and ends at Samhain.
3) The events will be planned to be on or around the following dates, subject to availability:
- Samhain- weekend nearest to October 31
- Imbolc- first Saturday in February
- Beltaine- first weekend in May
- Lughnasad- first weekend in August
4) The meeting will be planned to be on or around the following dates, subject to convenience.
- Winter Solstice- two weekends before solstice.
- Spring Equinox- two weekends before equinox.
- Summer Solstice- two weekends before solstice.
- Autumnal Equinox- two weekends before equinox so as not to conflict with Viking Fall Thyng but not on Labor Day Weekend.
Meeting dates as per Imbolc, 2011 Meeting.
04 - Justice
1) Log na Enech (Price of face-honor price)
A person who insults the honor of another member is required to pay that person's Log na Enech as set by the law. Log na Enech is settled by Troscud if disputed.
2) Troscud (Fasting)
The form of legal redress in the clan is through the custom of fasting. The gearani (aggrieved party) must make a proclamation (at an event or during "personal business") informing the cosnoir (defendant) of his intentions and then fasts in front of the cosnoir's property (i.e. tent, designated spot, or heap of belongings) or otherwise in that person's presence. The cosnoir is honor bound to fast as well until both parties reach an agreement or until one or both realize that no agreement can be reached, in which case the matter is brought before the Ard Draoi for judgement. A cosnoir refusing to fast must pay the gearani's Log na Enech.
3) After a person has paid Log na Enech for an offence, that offence may no longer be held against them. Holding such a grudge is itself a besmirch of honor and the bearer of the grudge is subject to paying Log na Enech to the person who has made good in full.
4) Any unpaid debt is to be considered a blemish on ones honor.
Punishment and Sanctions
1) The Chieftain holds punitive power in dealing with infractions against the clan.
2) The Ard-Draoi holds punitive power in matters of spiritual concern.
3) Honor price can be reduced by a 2/3 vote of the clan for punitive reasons.
4) A member on inactive status or designated as Fuidir will have half their normal honor price.
5) A 2/3 majority is needed by the clan assembly to enact a punitive action against a full member in good standing.
6) Only a simple majority is required by the clan assembly to enact a punitive action against a Fuidir.
7) By a 2/3rds-majority vote, an individual (or group) will be designated as Persona-non-Grata or Enemyand thus unwelcome to any Tuatha de Bhriain gatherings or encampments. No member may invite said individual (or group) until the status is reversed by another 2/3rds majority vote.
05 - Laws
1) Clansfolk are to follow mundane law, in addition to clan law and the laws of any other tuath we have a treaty with, while in their territory.
2) Clansfolk will stand as one in public. All arguments are to be settled within the privacy of the tuath. Dissenting voices can be heard in private by the clan at a later time.
3) Clansfolk will never physically provoke or attack another kinsmen.
4) Clansfolk will avoid physical conflict with outsiders but will defend their kinsmen when physically attacked -right or wrong.
5) Clansfolk are required to provide three days of hospitality to clansmen in need.
6) Hospitality will be granted to outsiders and consist of:
- Friendliness
- A drink
- Spare food
- Help in emergency situations
- An offer of a bath
7) Any non-member participating or camping more than three days with the clan shall be expected to put in there share of work and chores to run the event or camp, otherwise they shall be treated as a guest.
8) No clan matters are to be discussed with Clan Enemies.
Guest Policy
1) Sponsors are completely accountable for the actions of their guests.
2) All members are entitled to invite guests to clan events and open meetings. A member is as responsible for their guest's actions as if they were a probate. A member is likewise responsible for making sure that their guests integrate adequately, abide by the laws and customs we follow, and are generally respectful of the atmosphere we strive for.
3) At non-clan events where the clan establishes an encampment or otherwise unified presence, members must discretely obtain permission from the clan in advance for any previously unestablished guest they wish to include. Unless specifically noted otherwise, official friends of the clan have an open invitation to participate in such and need no member to specifically invite them.
1) Weapons, clan & personal equipment are not to be thrown or strewn haphazardly around camp.
2) Clansfolk are to inform the Brewey of spare equipment they are willing to lend out.
3) The Celtic Sun is the Clan Symbol.
4) Any crest that a clansman intends to display in association with the clan must have that crest approved by the Fili for historic accuracy.
5) Clansfolk attending events without proper garb are subject to fines.
6) The Hospitality tent is understood to be for the use of guests. In case it is not needed by a guest, members may use it. Full members in good standing to pay a fee of 3 clann coins per event for such use.ref Sam, 2010
1) The Feni and other officers are authorized to remove any unsafe participants or those exhibiting unsportsman like conduct from combat and to disallow any unsafe weapons or armor.
2) Clan standards for fighting equipment and rules of combat are currently defined as the same as SCA East Kingdom standards unless otherwise described in these laws.
06 - Finance
1) Annual Dues are $150 per year.ref Sam, 2019, ref Imb, 2010 ($100), ref Imb, 2009 ($80), ref Sam, 2005 ($30) Member dues also cover the member site fees of our Samhain, Imbolc, and Beltain events.
2)The Statchiste will collect dues between Samhain and Imbolc.
3)The Statchiste is empowered to grant leniency, reprieves, and make alternate payment arrangements on the clan's behalf in regard to monetary debt.
4) Members in debt to the Clan, unless officially reprieved, shall be reduced in status to Fuidir until their account is cleared. Fuidir who are in debt for a period of three months shall loose their membership.
5) The Statchiste shall carry $50.00 of petty cash to all clan meetings.
6) The Statchiste's report must detail each and every debt of and to the Clan.
7) All wayward Clansfolk or those wishing a temporary leave of absence may request the Statchiste to put them on "inactive" status. The Statchiste may place a member on inactive status if deemed appropriate and shall announce this at a meeting to be entered into the minutes.ref Imbolc, 2013
- A Clansperson on inactive status may not vote, is not counted for quorum figures, incurs no dues, but may attend events as normal.
- A Clansperson on inactive status may return to active status by simply paying their dues for the present year.
8) It is the duty of the Statchiste to inform the Sencha of all inactive members so they are not counted in quorum figures and inform the chieftain so that their vote is not counted in meetings.
9) All purchases made on behalf of the clan need prior aproval of the assembled clan, Officer, or Tresurer. Any purchase made without such aproval or exceeding an aproved amount is made at risk of non or incomplete reimbursemnt.
10) All transactions require a receipt. Claims without a receipt may be reimbursed at the discretion of the Statchiste.
11) Any warrior exceeding the girth of the average warrior's belt must pay ramhar cain (fat tax). Any person eligible to hold position as Clan champion is considered a warrior.
12) The Silver clan coin shall be minted at 1/24 of an ounce and be named a "screple".
- The screple (silver Clann coin) shall be considered to carry a value to the Clann of 3 American dollars for all official Clann purposes.ref Bel, 2012
- The value of the screple shall be reviewed at each Beltaine planning meeting.ref Bel, 2012
13) Event (Site) Feesref Bel, 2015
- Guests (invited family and friends of a member) and Official Friends (who do not require an invitation) are expected to pay a "site fee" to attend each Clann event. The site fee is $20.
- "Day Tripper" is defined as a Guest or Official Friend who is on site during the day (before feast), but who does not partake of feast and does not camp for the night. Day Trippers are expected to pay $5 per event. Day Trippers may participate in all activities of the day (games, competitions, demos) and are offered whatever hospitality is available during that time which may include day board and refreshments.
- Children under the age of 13 attend Clann events for free
- Children between the ages of 13 and 18 pay the adult Guest rate
- Official Friends and children of Clann members have the option to pay $50 by Imbolc to cover all site fees for the year.
07 - Membership
1) Vortigern clause: All non-Celtic personas join the clan under the understanding that this is a Celtic clan. Though another persona type might be in the majority all clan projects undertaken are in the Celtic interest. If people wish to be governed by a different system they are to resign from the clan rather than try to change it and will hold no claim to clan property. This clause needs a unanimous vote to repeal.
2) Members may join and participate in other re-enactment organizations as long as there first loyalty is demonstrateably to the Tuatha de Bhriain.
3) Sponsors are completely accountable for the actions of their probates and are responsible for making sure their probates integrate adequately, abide by the laws and customs we follow, and are generally respectful of the atmosphere we strive for. It is a sponsor's duty to see that their probate complete all required tasks to the best of their ability to meet or exceed clan standards and to render assistance in any manner informationally, soically, or taskwise that a probate may be in need of.
Probate Requirements
A) Becoming Deor-Fuidir (Probate-ship)
- To become a member a person must first go through a probationary period. It is expected that the applicant will have attended a few events and at least one meeting as a guest before seeking probationary status. There is no age restriction for probates. Any group of people may be considered as one or individually for clan membership.
- A person wishing to become a member must obtain sponsorship from an existing member. The sponsor will move for a vote at a clan meeting (not an event) and upon a 2/3 approval of the clan, the clan will ask the following to the applicant:
"Will you socialize, work toward the goals of the clan and enjoy camp life in a reasonably pleasant and harmonious manner, with your primary loyalty firmly set towards the good of the group?"
Upon an affirmative response from the applicant they shall be elevated to Deor-fuidir (a.k.a. Probate) status.
Any probate whose sponsor becomes a Soer-Fuidir must seek a new sponsor.
- Prior to a sponsor calling for a membership vote, a probate must be 18 years of age or olderref Apr 4, 1992 and fulfill all the following requirements as outlined in this section.
- The sponsor and probate should highlight all progress made at each clan meeting during the time set aside for "Probate Review" making mention of the supervising members involved. This will demonstrate commitment, teach new ideas or reinforce existing ideas, and let the meeting minutes serve as a formal record.
B) Required Reading
- The deor-fuidir must read and should understand the Laws of the Clann.
- The deor-fuidir must read and should understand the Clann Handbook.
- The Tuatha de Bhriain is a medieval re-creation group. Members assume a persona of someone living during the time period we represent. In order to have an informed opinion of the time period and culture the deor-fuidir should have a working knowledge of 5th century AD Celtic Ireland in the areas of history, archeology (tools and art style), and mythology. A suggested reading list is provided in the Books and Research section of our website.
C) Persona
The deor-fuidir must develop and portray a realistic and probable persona and name suitable to 5th century AD Ireland and document it (i.e. who they are, what they do, and their relationship to the clan). The persona story must be approved by the clan File (poet). Any member without an approved personae story is accountable for its creation and recitation.ref Sep 6, 1991
D) Deor-fuidirs (i.e. probates) must obtain a minimum of 21 sanctioned clan activity merits prior to their membership vote with the understanding that such participation is expected of full members.
Merit points are assigned as thus:
- Quarterly Planning Meeting (i.e. solstice / equinox): 3
- Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh: 2
- Planned Work Day or Activity (i.e. planned at meeting /announced by chief): 1
- Camping with the clan at Pennsic and assisting with landgrab / camp setup: 1
- Camping with the clan at Pennsic and assisting with camp break down: 1
Any gap of over 2 years from the last merit earned will reset all merits.
During probate review, a sponsor may motion for a majority vote that a merit be awarded to the probate for laboring in an unsanctioned activity that benefits the clan in similar manor to a planned work day providing it is done so at the first meeting the sponsor attends after the activity in question.ref Sep 16, 2017
E) Participation
Deor-fuidirs shall have participated in camp life as described in the Clann Handbook during their probateship.
F) Required Equipment
The deor-fuidir must obtain all the equipment of the "Ocaire" as described by clan law, that being: A set of period style garb of wool or linen. (Tunic, trews, bog dress, Leine) , Period feast gear: bowl, trencher, or plate of wood or clay, Eating utensils of iron, bronze, or silver, A period drinking vessel (horn, wood, clay) and a Torc. Note: A Period Tent is a bonus item that will increase your honor price status as a probate (Bóthach Status). You will be expected to get a tent eventually as a member.
Vote of Approval and Review Process
A) When a probate has completed all requirements and their sponsor believes that it is time to elevate their probate for membership, the sponsor shall inform the Clan of their intent to invoke the "Probate Review" process one meeting prior during the "Probate Review" segment of the meeting.
- Only the sponsor or their delegate can invoke a Probate Review. No one else may force a vote.
B) Any member who will not be able to attend the meeting of an intended "Probate Review" is entitled to send a written proxy vote either in support or against the membership bid should the vote be called. Any member not in attendance and failing to send a written proxy will be presumed to support the probate's membership bid. In accordance with existing clan law, proxies must likewise give cause and reason for their support or lack thereof.
C) During the "Probate Review" portion of a meeting, if a review is initiated; all probates will be sent from the meeting for the duration of the discussion. The members shall discuss the merits of the probate in question and give opinions as to the acceptability of the probate's membership bid in light of their demonstrated ablity and willingness to work toward the goals of the clan, enjoy re-enactment and camp life, and generally socialize in a pleasant and harmonious manner with their primary loyalty firmly set towards the good of the group.
D) During a Probate Review discussion the sponsor has the following options:
- If the sponsor deems there is insufficient support for the membership bid, the sponsor may end the debate without a calling for the First Review Vote and privately reconsider pursuing the probate's membership bid.
- If the sponsor deems there is sufficient support (i.e. ¾ majority or greater approval) the sponsor may make the following motion to invoke the First Review Vote:
"I move that (probate "x") be approved for full voting membership of the Tuatha de Bhriain and initiated at the appropriate event." (i.e. Samhain, Beltaine, Imbolc, Lughnasad/Pennsic).
E) Should the First Review Vote pass by a ¾ majority the membership consideration shall be automatically tabled for a Second Review in six months time (i.e. the planning meeting after the next two events) and not before then. The Second Review is governed in the same manner of the First Review in regards to prior notification, delegation, proxies, discussion, etc. however the sponsor MUST motion for the membership vote.
F) Should the Second Review Vote pass by a ¾ majority the membership consideration shall be automatically tabled for a Third and Final Review in six months time (i.e. the planning meeting after the next two events) and not before then. The Third and Final Review is governed in the same manner of the First Review in regards to prior notification, delegation, proxies, discussion, etc. however the sponsor MUST motion for the membership vote.
G) Should the Third and Final Review Vote pass by ¾ majority, or if the First or Second Review Votes pass unanimously, the probate will be deemed a "member elect" and will be bestowed full membership rights at a ceremony at the following event upon the recitation of the "Oath of a Kinsman"
H) Should any Review motion fail to obtain a minimum ¾ majority, the membership bid is defeated. It is the discretion of the sponsor and probate as to whether to continue sponsorship and probate-ship respectively. Should they elect to continue, the process may be re-invoked anew at a future time of their choosing.
The Oath of a Kinsman
1) The oath shall be administered in ceremony by the Ard Druid and recited by the member elect before the assembled clan (preferably with bodhran accompaniment).
2) The Member Elect shall Recite:
"I ___ swear before our Gods and all assembled:
To obey the laws of the clan and to defer to its leaders, To assist my clan folk and contribute to the clan good by all reasonable means, To settle grievance by clan law and to fulfill in deed that which I set before me.
May the earth split and consume me
May the sky fall and crush upon me
May the seas rise and swallow me."
3) Upon completion of the Oath, the deor-fuidir is elevated to "Aurrad" (a.k.a. full member) status with whatever honor price they are entitled to.
08 - Classification
Member Classification
1) Aurrad (Member)
- May vote
- Must abide by clan law
- May motion new laws
- May enact lawsuits
- Must pay dues
- May sponsor Aoi
- May sponsor Doer Fuidir
2) Doer Fuidir (Probate)
- May speak at meetings
- Must abide by clan law
- Honor price is a proportion of the sponsoring member
- Not required to pay dues
3) Soer Fuidirref Apr 4, 1992 (Member in questionable standing)
- May not vote
- May not sponsor
- May not wear a torque
- May not motion new laws
- May not run for any clan position
- Half normal Honor Price
- May enact lawsuits
4) Official Friend of the Clan
- May speak at meetings
- Must abide by clan law
- Not required to pay dues
- Honor price established if needed
- Has a standing invitte to participate and needs no sponsoring member
5) Aoi (Guest)
- Expected to abide by clan law at functions
- Must respect the atmopshere we create
- Must not disrupt proceedings
6) Deorad (Any unclassified individual)
- Expected to abide by clan law while participating with the clan
- Must provide for themselves.
- Must not disrupt proceedings
7) Persona Non Grata
- May never attend clan events
- Never allowed in camp
- The laws of hospitality are suspended in regard to this person
8) Enemy
- May never attend clan events
- Never allowed in camp
- Clan members are to seek and combat this individual whenever prudent
09 - Honor Price
1) The honor price system represents the value of a person to the entire clan. The numbers below represent the standard value of a person who does his/her job and are above reproach.
2) Period Items are defined as equipment constructed using techniques, materials and in style consistent with 5th century AD Celtic Ireland. Ideally, the archeological or textual record should support such items. Though variations for artistic or practical reasons are permitted they shall have no obtrusively anachronistic attribute.
- honor price up to 7 years = 7 sets = 84 coins
- 7 and older = ¼ their father's or mother's honor price
Senchleithe - a member on leave of absence ½ normal honor price
Saor Fuidir - a member in bad standing ¼ normal honor price
Deor Fuidir - a probate of the clan ¼ of sponsor's honor price.
Bothach - a probate of the clan that owns a period tent 1/3 sponsor's honor price
Fer Midboth - A youth of the clan or a member not meeting the ocaire requirements.
- Ages 14 to 17 honor price 1 dairt = 6 coins
- Ages 18 to 20 honor price 1 colpthach = 8 coins
Ocaire - honor price = 3 sets = 36 coins
- A set of period style garb of wool or linen. (Tunic, trews, bog dress, Leine)
- Period feast gear: bowl, trencher, or plate of wood or clay
- Eating utensils of iron, bronze, or silver
- A period drinking vessel (horn, wood, clay)
Boaire - honor price = 5 sets = 60 coins
- All previous
- A simple rectangular cloak or shawl of wool, linen, hide or fur
- A period fastener (fibula or penanular)
- A period tablecloth (linen or wool - for use at Imbolc)
Boaire Febsa - honor price = 6 sets = 72 coins
- All previous
- 3 sets of period garb
- Period footwear (bog shoes, ankle boots)
- A table section of the great table
Fennid (Champion) - honor price = 7 sets = 84 coins
If the champion is also a noble he shall be known as "aire echta" (lord of blood-vengeance) and his honor price shall be that of his noble station plus 2 sets
Mruigfer - honor price = 7 sets = 84 coins
All previous ref Bel, 2017
A period tent (wall tent, wedge, round house-yurt)
- Period lighting (candles or clay oil lamps)
- Member for at least 1 year
Flaith Aithig - honor price = 8 sets = 96 coins
- All previous
- A period knife or dagger (saxe or early "dirk" style)
- Embody exceptional clan spirit
- Hold any office or administrative position for 1 year
Aire Deseo - honor price = 10 sets = 120 coins
- All previous
- Flaith Aithig for 3 years
- Period banner
- One set from the noble list
- One year as either chief, druid, file, or bard
Aire Ard - honor price = 15 sets = 180 coins
- All previous
- One year as Aire Deseo
- Tent furnished to keep mundania out of site
- Two sets from the noble list
- Two years as chief, druid, or file
Aire Tuiseo - honor price = 20 sets = 240 coins
- All previous
- One year as Aire Ard
- Three years as chief or druid
Aire Forgill - honor price = 30 sets = 360 coins
- All previous
- One year as Aire Tuiseo
- Four years as chief
- taman = 10 sets = 120 coins 4 individual presentations
- Drisiuc =15 sets = 180 coins 8 individual presentations
- oblaire = 20 sets= 240 coins 12 individual presentations
- Tigernbard = 30 sets = 360 coins sets 16 individual presentations
- Macfuirmid = 10 sets = 120 coins 4 individual presentations
- Dos = 20 sets = 240 coins 8 individual presentations
- Cano = 30 sets = 360 coins 12 individual presentations
- Cli = 40 sets 480 coins 16 individual presentations
Ard-Draoi / Clan Druid = 36 sets = 432 coins
Ri Tuatha / Chieftain = 7 cumals = 504 coins
The Noble sets
Aristocracy set
- A period sword
- A period javelin
- A period shield
Warrior set
- A period spear
- Clan standard heavy weapons tournament armor (full suit)
- Clan standard heavy weapons tournament sword
- Clan standard heavy weapons tournament shield
- Any Member claiming honor price with the warrior set must contend for champion once a year.
Hospitaler set
- A high quality period serving platter
- A high quality period serving bowl
- A high quality period serving pitcher
- A high quality period woven basket
- A period tent large enough and furnished to receive visitors
A member may gain station either by claim or by grant.
The member makes a claim for higher honor price after they have acquired all the equipment and completed all deeds associated with that status. The claim is made at a clan event. The equipment is reviewed to make sure it meets the clan standards by the chief, poet, and bard. The poet or bard announces the new status/honor price. As long as the equipment is maintained, regularly utilized, and the member remains in good standing, the status holds.
A grant is made at a clan meeting. A member's Honor price may be increased by the clan in recognition of outstanding contribution, service, or tenure by a 2/3 vote.
Though a member may start with a higher title / honor price though the nature of fortune or grant, they may not claim an increase until they have satisfied all the requirements of lower status.
Non members and honor price
Deorad have no honor price unless they belong to a group that has established a treaty with us, in which case their log na enech will be established as needed following clan standards.
An official friend of the clan has no honor price per se, but, if an Aurrad wishes to enact suit on the friend's behalf, their log na enech will be established as needed following clan standards.
An offence against a guest is an offence against the host. A member may enact suit for their honor price if their guest is wronged. 1/4 of the payment goes to the guest.
10 - Guilds & Colleges
1) In order to receive the honors of practicing a craft, the craft must be organized into an aproved college or guild, which strives to enhance the period atmosphere of the clan. All recognized clan Ceirds/Scolaires are to strive to enhance the period atmosphere of the clan through their craft. Each Guild or College shall be governed by a guild master, who is the proven best craftsman in his field, and advances period studies by working as closely to the period methods of his craft as possible. Some suggested crafts are smithing, woodworking and armor making.
2) The Guild or College shall be approved by a 2/3rd vote.
3) A Ceird/Scolaire must be a Clan member and either elected to the position by the Clan or by the Ceirds/Scolaires of that Guild or College.
4) A Ceird/Scolaire must produce at least one item a year and present it to the Clan.
5) One guild master is chosen each year per craft at Imbolc by reccomendation of the guild and approval of the clan.
- A guild master who is also a noble is deemed a Sao re Ceird and entiteld to addition honors for advancing both his craft and general period atmosphere.
- The Sao re Scolaire for druidry is assumed to be the Ard Draoi and therefore elected at Samhain.
11 - Persona Death
1) All members have the right to declare themselves dead.
2) Any person suffering persona death loses all former status and privileges i.e. membership, Chieftainship, etc.
3) Persons suffering personae death may repeat the membership procedure under a new persona.
4) A Blood Feud court can be requested at any official clan meeting to resolve conflicts involving persona death.
- No one may request a blood feud court until after they have tried to seek justice by either Log na Enec or Troscud and found the judgement unfavorable.
- A Blood Feud court will not mandate a death match unless 2/3 of the attending members is in favor of doing so.
- If both individuals consent to a death match no court is necessary
5) All matches will be presided over by the three highest clan officers present, In cases where three officers are not present the match is postponed till such a time when they are available.
- In cases where two officers wish to slay each other, the Feni will fill the third officer requirement.
6) If one of the two individuals involved in a death match is reluctant to fight and formally states so at the blood feud court, his closest kin may sue for his Fuar-Enec (Blood Price) upon their demise.
7) The mode of combat is determined by the combatants involved pending approval of the officers. If no reasonable agreement can be reached the three officers shall decide.
12 - Households
Lion Ti
1) Traditionally a household is a sub-unit of the clan tracing its ancestry four generations from a common forefather. A Tuatha du Bhriain household need not share a blood line, however, the relationship between the members must be clearly demonstrated (i.e. householder, adopted sons, retainer, bondsmen, etc.)
2) Members may attempt to join any household they wish.
3) Clansmen have the right to form their own household.
4) A minimum of five full voting members is required to form a household.
5) Each household must have a Ceann Ti (head of the household)
6) Households may set any standards they wish providing they do not conflict with clan law.
- All households are formed with the understanding that they are a sub-unit of the clan and are subordinate to the clan and must not set their household needs before the needs of the clan.
7) Each household owes 50 man-hours of work each year to be devoted to clan projects.
8) Households must submit a copy of their charter and crest (or name) to the Chieftain to be reviewed with the Fili and Ard-Draoi for compliance with clan policy. A copy of the approved charter must be filed with the Sencha.
9) Households are free to induct members by their own standards.
10) Households are responsible for the actions of its members.
- The Ceann Ti of a household is ultimately responsible for the actions of his household.
11) Once there are four or more households, each household will be encouraged to host at least one clan event each year. Outlay of funds, invitations and cover charges will still be decided upon by the clan.
13 - Code of Conduct
Cora na Iompraim
The Code of Conduct is not a body of laws for strict adherence. It is a collection of clan-approved traditions, manners, and decorum to aid clansmen in both keeping personae and maintaining good relations with your fellow clansmen. It will be used in the estimation of ones honor and clan loyalty. Thus the level of compliance with this code could greaten or lessen judgements in cases of a punitive nature.
1) Clansmen are honor-bound to abide by the code of conduct. Failure to abide by the code of conduct can result in the reduction of Log na Enech.
2) Clansmen are to consider the clan their second family.
3) No person shall be oppressed in his difficulty.
4) No one may posses a copy of the laws at events or meetings with the exception of the Fili.
5) Clansmen should request their leave from the Chieftain.