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Beltaine message board, 2000

Posted: Sun May 07, 2000 3:00 pm
by Comyn
Bealtaine '00
A Good time had by all
Congratulations to Guthrum on winning the he-man competition and clan champion
Welcome to our newest probate Faellon
May 7, 2000 19:09
Wow, what a great event. We've really been on a roll making each one more and more successful. Thanks to everyone for making it all come together so well. Congratulations to Faellen, our newest Probate, and welcome back Momas! The feast was tremendous, and it was great to see some fighting again at one of our own events.
Thanks to all of our guests, especially those who travelled very far to get here. Its always great to have more people around. I can't wait for Pennsic. May the Gods favor all of you. See you soon.

May 7, 2000 20:02
Greetings to all members, guests and friends. This Beltaine was wonderful, fun and very warm. As Druid, I make many offerings to the Gods to assure the good weather. The rain god held off on Friday eve, enough just to sprinkle the earth, and now on Sunday, there is much rain. I am so glad that he waited! Congratulations and good luck to our new probate. As his sponsor I will make sure that he is well versed in all clan law and is able to fit in to the family that we have created. I also wish to clap my hands for Finoulla, for getting in armour and fighting with me. And thank you Brogan for the loan of the armour, next time it will be my own. Finoulla, you fought well and we may have a new clan tradition, "Chick fighting" No hits below the bikini line!!Peace to all Erlan

May 7, 2000 21:49
Greetings to the Clan
Once again I wanted to thank you all for a wonderful event, and to thank you even more for electing to make me a probate. As this was my 3rd event with Tuatha de Bhriain, I thought that I have seen enough of what the group was about, and what kind of people are involved to be able to come to the decision that I definitely want to be involved on a more formal level. Thanks you to Valerian, for bringing me in, in the first place. And thank you to Erlan, for choosing to become my sponsor. I'm looking forward to seeing you all again at the next planning meeting, and then on to Pennsic!

May 9, 2000 18:29
Greetings to all! This Bealtaine has been the best one so far and it was wonderful to see how well it came together. This has been the least stressful event we have had with the most accomplished.Welcome back to Momus. Congratulations to Faellon on been initiated as probate. I am glad you have chosen to be part of us and I know you will make an excellent addition to the clann.Thanks to everyone who put on was fabulous to see fighting again and I loved tending the field. I had forgotten how much fun it was. Eberwolf, I never thought I would live to see you put on armor and actually fight, but I am glad you did and I hope to see it again.Thanks to everyone who prepared the feast--it was yummy, especially the salmon! Thanks to everyone for helping to take down the camp, especially Debbie and Eachna for helping with the kitchen. It was most appreciated.Thanks to all of our guests for adding to the festivities, especially Lynnette and Angus for coming such a long way and braving NYC traffic on a Friday evening. It was wonderful to have you both with us--I know the music Angus provided and the bodices Lynnette provided were very appreciated by all. I sincerely hope you will have the opportunity to join us for future events and I will make every effort to persuade you.Ladies, participating in Steal-A-Wife with you was a blast!See you all soon at the planning meeting and hopefully at the Highland Games in July and at Pennsic. Slainte' !Valerian.

May 13, 2000 05:37
Bealtaine was awesome. Too awesome in fact, as I've had a flood of phone calls from many of you who have been inspired with new projects or completing old ones. Everyone did a great job in making the event memorable. Specifically, I would like to thank Brogan, Guthrum and Faellon for providing home brew, because of which, i think we had very little policing of camp for bottles and cans.

I believe this event was the product of all of our hard work and dedication to date, and once again we have raised the bar of our expectations.

Even though there are always improvements to be made, looking forward, i can see a time not too long from now, where the clan will look around at all built and wonder what improvements may be made, not for necessity or convenience, but for the sake of art and craftsmanship.

May 16, 2000 09:42
Hey all,Bealtain was Great!!! It was so good hanging with everyone. I can't beleave how far we have come. Our camp looked fantastic, The He-Man commpitition was a blast, the Feast was exellent and we even had people in armor (hehe...I can't wait ta get back in it)!! I just goes to show, you get out what you put in. And everyone went above and beyond with this event!! Thanks for making this a Bealtaine to remember!PS-a armor workshop has been set for June 10th. if intrested e-mail me or Aonghus.