Mutante, has bid us all farewell.

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Mutante, has bid us all farewell.

Post by BroganTDB »

He is sitting next to Odin, in the halls of Valhalla...
mutante.jpg (21.43 KiB) Viewed 2065 times
Hail to all friends of Mutante Lord of Clan Reese Retired Medieval
Mercenary Dark Age of Camelot,

Mutante, has bid us all farewell. As we share this news with you the
Valkyrie's are filling Mutante's cup, as he is sitting next to
Odin, in the halls of Valhalla.

As Written by a friend, Shelly ---------------------
Odin Allfather hear my call.
To your hall do we give Mutante, a warrior, a poet, a friend.
May his glass be always full, may his sword be always in his grasp, and
may Vallahalla rejoice for my brother come home.
Fight well, Drink deep, and rest easy until Ragnarök come or I see
you on the field.
Mutante left us Thursday October 4th, of natural causes; he has been
cremated, as he would have wished.

Celebration Bonfire
Oct. 21, 2007, starting at 7:00pm
At his favorite hangout
Castaway's Boathouse & Grill
31 Cochecho Street
Dover, New Hampshire

Here's his `mySpace` address................. He last login Oct 4th.....

An article that appeared in the local Dover paper on Thursday

Any further detail that we can confirm will be passed along...........

Katrina of Norseland [deceased]
Jarl of Household Evergreen
Friend of Mutante