Beltaine Newsletter, 2009

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Beltaine Newsletter, 2009

Post by Comyn »

For several days the Druids sat in council, carefully reviewing the omens and portents both observed and carried by messengers riding the swiftest horses. The clouds hung heavy in the sky hiding the brilliance and warmth of the sun which would otherwise have dried the dirt paths and open gathering spaces. On the day of the festival our Chieftan rode forth to survey the ceremonial grounds alone. As he approached the grove he began to rue his decision to take the trip without escort for many hands would be needed should his chariot become stuck in the slippery track that led to his Clann's traditional site. Rain began to fall and it quickly became clear that the Druids' warnings should be heeded. Brogan managed to extricate himself from the slippery ooze that would be the Clann's main thoroughfare and sought higher ground.

At the home of Comyn and Sabha supplies were packed and the word was sent to the Clann to make their best way to the homestead of Guthrum and Finoulla to the east. At Guthrum's homestead preparations were already underway to host the assembled Clann, and in short order canvas was raised to provide extra space. An excellent and welcoming stew of beef and barley was served, as were many fine ales. Some of the elder men of the Clann gathered for an evening smoke under the dining fly as children sang and played merrily indoors. It wasn't long before most moved inside for music and more conversation. The rain was heavy at times but the Clann was not put out by it. Some were lucky enough to sample some of Colin's fresh fish which he had seasoned in several different ways. All in all a fine time was had that first night.

On feast day, Guthrum raised more canvas - this time enough to shelter the entire assembly and room was made for a brazier for warmth. The awning was necessary only for the shade as the sun appeared and a wonderful afternoon was spent out of doors enjoying a fantastic day board provided by Colin and Bree of cheeses, fresh turkey and ham and more fresh fish caught by Colin on his recent outing! The anvil was brought out along with the silver and Clannfolk took it in turn to strike over 300 screples [06-12]! Unfortunately the small anvil the Clann has used for this purpose for several years was broken beyond repair in this endeavor. The feast was absolutely top notch - with wonderfully prepared Chicken, and fresh breads. Comyn's first comestible offering *ever* went over very well. A simple, but sincere ceremony was performed by Vollund in a small grove a short walk through the woods near Guthrum's home. Music was provided for the gathered and more good conversation into the wee hours.

The good judgment of the Chieftan was borne out on the final day of the festival as rain, which began early in the morning provided the uncovered ground a steady soaking. Many thanks to Guthrum and Finoulla for their generosity and hospitality.
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