Bealtaine by Dalriada

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Bealtaine by Dalriada

Post by Comyn »

The festival of Beltaine, which literally means "Bel's fire" (Beal-teinne) marks the beginning of the summer and the light half of the Celtic year. Traditionally, all fires were extinguished on the eve of Beltaine, to be re-lit from the sacred 'needfire' kindled at dawn. The Celts were predominantly pastoral people and Beltaine was the time when the cattle were put out to their summer grazing on the higher slopes. The cattle were driven through the sacred Beltaine fires for purification. The sacred fire would also, it was believed, bring protection, good fortune and fertility to the people.

It was also the time when young Celtic warriors would put their fighting skills to the test in the challenges of the Beltaine Games. With the hard work of planting accomplished, it was a time when the clans came together in celebration of the sun and to hope that the crops would grow and flourish in the months ahead.

[Dalriada Celtic Heritage Trust, Isle of Arran]