A Guide to Early Irish Law

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A Guide to Early Irish Law

Post by Aonghus »

By Fergus Kelly

Unfortunately, this book is more of a "must read" as it is currently out of print. Kelly examines the ancient laws of Ireland and outlines forms of legal procedure and redress in early Ireland. Honor price is dealt with at length as is the Celtic methods of suing in addition to describing the laws themselves. This book is especially valuable because Kelly conveniently describes the structure and components of Irish Celtic society in the first chapters of the book. This gives us a good schematic for how we, as re-enactors, can add a more period, socially interactive, element to our hobby.
by Fergus Kelly

note: added by Comyn, Mar. 16, 2007

A general account of legal practice in the seventh and eighth centuries with discussion of social background and later `brehon' families. 1988 (repr. 1991, 1995, 1998, 2003, 2005). xxiv + 358 pp., pll. (vol. III) ISBN 0 901282 95 2

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